SEK Agra Drones provides value add data insights helping you look forward out of your farming windshield vs looking through the back glass on what has already occurred with your crop.

Use Case

Measuring the amount of chlorophyll in plant leaves, NDVI/NDRE is often used to assess nitrogen stress independent of the amount of soil nitrogen penetrating the lower canopy of plants. Often used to create variable rate nutrient application maps pre and post application.

Reactive to Proactive Farming


Leaf Chlorophyll Content | Plant Vigor | Stress Detection | Fertilizer Demand | Grain Yield Prediction


crop health and biomass Valuable insights

In the simplest terms possible, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is the industry standard measurement of the greenness and the density of vegetation. Healthy vegetation has a characteristic spectral reflectance curve which we can benefit from by calculating the difference between two bands – visible red and near-infrared. NDVI is that difference expressed as a number – ranging from -1 to 1.

NDVI images are generated by SEK Agra Drones M3M Drone which uses the reflection of light in the near-infrared (NIR) and red bands of the electromagnetic spectrum to create a color-coded image of vegetation cover especially for crop nitrogen status. Often used for grain yield prediction in mid-growth stages (before heads fill).

Chlorophyll - A Health indicator Pigment

Chlorophyll strongly absorbs visible light, and the cellular structure of the leaves strongly reflects near-infrared light. When the plant becomes dehydrated, sick, afflicted with disease, etc., the spongy layer deteriorates, and the plant absorbs more of the near-infrared light, rather than reflecting it. Thus, observing how NIR changes compared to red light provides an accurate indication of the presence of chlorophyll, which correlates with plant health.

Prescription Map Generation

Custom generated prescription map of your field that can be taken on the go via iPad, uploaded to your farm equipment / drone for accurate location treatments saving you resources and time.

Data Comparison

Identify areas of your field that are under performing and take immediate action such as applying pesticides, fertilizers, etc. with accurate informed decision making backed by data.

Detection and Measuring Your Crop

Timeline = Mid to Late Growing Season - NDRE

Leaf Chlorophyll Content | Plant Vigor | Stress Detection | Fertilizer Demand | Nitrogen Uptake


Normalized difference red edge index (NDRE for short) is a method of measuring the amount of chlorophyll in the plants. The best timing to apply NDRE is mid-to-late growing season when the plants are mature and ready to be harvested. At this point, other indices would be less effective to use.

Measuring the amount of chlorophyll in plant leaves, NDRE is often used to assess nitrogen stress independent of the amount of soil nitrogen. Because the light bands used in this index penetrate the lower canopy of plants, it is often used to assess mid and late-stage crops. Often used to create variable rate nutrient application maps.

Value Add Data - No Waiting

SEK Agra Drones (SEKAD) understands timing is critical in farming and data can be used to help maximize yield, save resources, and ensure you are the constant variable controlling future health of your crops.

Typical SEKAD Flight Service Call

  1. SEKAD strives to arrive onsite within next day of flight request (weather providing)
  2. SEKAD reviews the exact plot desired for data collection with you field side, then immediately starts data collection
  3. After data collection flight completed, field analysis guaranteed within 24 hours
  4. Reporting is customized for average counts per acre, heat maps, coloring, etc. desired by YOU for easy readability
  5. PDF file report generated and emailed to you, hard copies provided along with any high resolution images desired of your field

SEKAD Advantages vs Satellite Imaging / Other Service Providers

  • Real Time Kinematic (RTK) GPS - utilized for centimeter accuracy
  • Increased Resolution – Drones can take images with much higher resolution than satellites, important for crops with small leaves, micro plot research, or highly detailed inquiries.
  • Faster Data Evaluation of Planter Efficiency | Replant considerations – Drones can collect data faster and with more flexibility than satellites. This allows pilots to account for weather or specific crop stage timing.
  • Save time and labor with 98-99% Improved accuracy – Because drones fly low to the ground, they are less affected by atmospheric influences than satellite data. Some vegetation indices attempt to correct for these effects, but drones experience less visual variability.
  • Hardware Flexibility - Drones or sensors can be changed or updated as needed by pilots for the latest technological advances.
  • SEKAD local to Southeast Kansas Serving The Four Corners - Drone flights can be scheduled or repeated as needed to capture data at different times or locations.
  • FAA Licensed - FAA Part 107 sUAS | FAA Class III Medical Operator Licensed


How long until my Crop Health Report is delivered?

All SEK Agra Drone stand count reports are delivered less than 24 hours of flight to ensure timely actions by the crop owner.

How will my SEK Agra Drone Crop Health Report be delivered?

Stand count reports will be delivered via email in a PDF format for ease of access and sharing.

Do you have an FAA Drone License to fly my land?

Yes! SEK Agra Drones is a certified FAA sUAS Part 107 Licensed Operator.

Is there a separate charge for NDVI and NDRE Flights?

No! Vegetation Indices are captured in a single flight with comparison data of both NDVI and NDRE distributed and detailed on your health report at no additional cost.

When is the best time to request a crop health report?

Subjective to your informatics need and analysis desired. Recommendation is to have your field(s) flown before a treatment, then flown again post treatment to actualize the results with data.

What is the cost?

SEKAD utilizes flat rate all inclusive pricing based on acreage increments. Please contact Chris for price quote.